Passengers of the Titanic

The Gender Selector can be used any time to devide all passangers to male or female correlations.

Gender Selector

The Survivor Selector shows all, dead or survived passangers. All charts are reducing numbers on selection.

Survivor Selector

Survivors of Titanic

This chart represents the survivors of the Titanic. Hover over the column and it will show you the numbers. If click on columns you can select between dead or survivors.

Age-group Chart

Pie charts are more effective at visualize proportions. This chart based on age categories and groupped under 21 years old, between 21 and 50 years old and over 50. Unfortunately there were over 500 passengers with no rgistered age. Working with hover for numbers and click selector as well.

Gender Balance

This chart responds the selections for all charts and shows the balance of male and female correlation. Hover over will display numbers and clicks works as gender selectors.

Passengers Classes

All passengers were travelling at three different classes. When you selected genders or/and survivors this chart will show you how many of them were travelling 1st, 2nd, 3rd classes.

Passengers Age Chart

Last chart represents all passangers at age correlation. As you reduce any options at the charts before this will respond to your selection and display the numbers on hover over mode. Click on the bars to select same age group!

Special Thank You for Dave Laffan for all support and help!